
Orvibo Motion Sensors Introduction

A motion sensor (or motion detector) is the linchpin of your security system, because it's the main device that detects when someone is in your home when they shouldn't be. A motion sensor uses one or multiple technologies to detect movement in an area. If a sensor is tripped, a signal is sent to your security system's control panel, which connects to your monitoring center, alerting you and the monitoring center to a potential threat in your home.
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Orvibo Motion sensors stand guard, ready to react to various situations, such as movement in your living room, windows or doors being opened or closed, or a broken window. Motion sensors can:
Receive an alert if there's unexpected movement in your home
Receive an alert if children access dangerous or off-limit areas
Set connected lights to turn on and off automatically as people come and go
Set connected lights to turn on automatically if there’s unexpected movement

Get push notifications on your smartphone when motion is detected at home. But it’s what you can do next that’s really exciting.
Imagine opening your door after a night out. The lights turn on and your favorite song begins to play. Magic? Nope. When you pair your Wi-Fi Motion Sensor with a Wi-Fi Smart Plug, your home reacts to you in amazing ways.
Your Wi-Fi Motion Sensor works with your Wi-Fi Camera so that whenever motion is detected, you can view what’s happening right on your smartphone.
The Role of Motion Sensors in Your Home Security
The main purpose of motion detection is to sense an intruder and send an alert to your control panel, which alerts your monitoring center. Sensors work when you are not home, or when you tell the system you are not there. Some security systems can be programmed to record events via a security camera when motion is detected.

